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Term & Services

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Terms of Service


Effective Date: 09-Sept-2023


1. Acceptance of Terms


Welcome to Prestine Jewels ("Prestine Jewels," "we," "us," or "our"). These Terms of Service ("Terms") govern your use of Prestine Jewels' online business productivity and collaboration software, including but not limited to the Prestine Jewels Suite of Online Business Productivity and Collaboration Software (collectively referred to as the "Services"). By accessing or using any part of the Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use our Services.


2. Description of Service


Prestine Jewels provides a range of online collaboration and management services, including but not limited to data processing, reports and spreadsheets, presentation tools, database applications, email services, cloud hosting services, chat clients, organizers, customer relationship management applications, and project management applications ("Services"). These Services are intended for both personal and business use, as well as for internal business purposes within your organization. You may access the Services through any internet browser supported by the Services. You are responsible for ensuring access to the internet and the necessary equipment for using the Services. You may create, edit, publish, and share content using your user account.


3. User Account Obligations


To access and use the Services, you must create a user account and provide all required information. If you represent an organization and intend to use the Services for corporate internal use, we recommend that all users from your organization sign up for user accounts using their corporate contact information. You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information during the sign-up process and to promptly update this information as needed. Failure to provide accurate information may result in the termination of your user account.


4. Personal Information and Privacy


Your use of the Services is subject to Prestine Jewels' Privacy Policy, which governs the collection and use of personal information. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username, password, and other sensitive information associated with your user account.


5. Communications from Prestine Jewels


Prestine Jewels may send you service announcements, administrative messages, and newsletters as part of the Services. You have the option to opt-out of receiving newsletters, but you cannot opt-out of receiving service announcements and administrative messages.


6. Fees and Payments


Subscription to paid Services is available through monthly and yearly subscription plans. Setup charges must be paid in advance for the services you select, and setup fees are nonrefundable. Your subscription will automatically renew unless you notify us of your intention not to renew at least seven days before the renewal date. You can change your payment method for renewal by informing us via email at If you cancel your subscription before the contract term is over, you may be responsible for a closeout charge as per the terms of your Annual Plan.


Prestine Jewels reserves the right to change subscription fees and to introduce charges for services that are currently available for free.


7. Restrictions on Use


In addition to other terms and conditions in these Terms, you agree not to:


(i) Transfer or make available the Services to third parties without prior written permission.

(ii) Provide services based on the Services without prior written permission.

(iii) Use third-party links to sites without agreeing to their terms and conditions.

(iv) Post links to third-party sites or use their logos, company names, etc., without prior written permission.

(v) Use the Services for spamming or other illegal purposes.


8. Excessive Use of Shared System Resources


You may not use shared systems provided by Prestine Jewels in a way that disrupts their normal operation or consumes a disproportionate share of resources. We may require you to resolve any abnormalities in your data that conflict with other users' use of shared resources. We reserve the right to quarantine or delete data that may infect or corrupt the system or other users' data.


9. Spamming and Illegal Activities


You agree to be solely responsible for the content of your transmissions through the Services. You may not use the Services for illegal purposes or transmit material that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, invasive of privacy, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or otherwise objectionable. You may not use the Services for junk mail, spam, chain letters, phishing, or unsolicited mass distribution of email. We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Services for any illegal or unauthorized activity.


10. Inactive User Accounts Policy


We may terminate unpaid user accounts that remain inactive for 120 consecutive days. Termination will result in the deletion of all associated data. We will provide prior notice of termination and data backup by email. This policy applies to each Service individually, and activity in one Service does not keep your user account active in another Service.


11. Data Ownership


You retain ownership of the content you create or store using the Services. Prestine Jewels does not claim ownership of your content, except as required to provide the Services. We may access, copy, distribute, store, transmit, and perform your content solely for the purpose of delivering the Services to you.


12. User Generated Content


You may transmit or publish content using the Services, but you are solely responsible for such content and its consequences. Publicly shared content may be accessible through the internet and indexed by search engines. You agree not to make private content publicly available. You may not use content from other users without their express written consent. If you encounter copyrighted content, you may not remove copyright notices or disable copy protection features. By making content available through the Services, you confirm that you have the necessary permissions to do so.


13. Sample Files and Applications


Prestine Jewels may provide sample files and applications to demonstrate the Services' capabilities. These samples consist of random data, and we make no warranties regarding their accuracy, usefulness, completeness, or reliability.


14. Trademarks


Prestine Jewels, the Prestine Jewels logo, and the names of individual Services and their logos are trademarks of Prestine Jewels Corporation. You may not use these trademarks without Prestine Jewels' prior permission.


15. Disclaimer of Warranties


You understand and agree that the Services are provided on an "as-is" and "as-available" basis. Prestine Jewels disclaims all warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or virus-free. Your use of any materials downloaded or obtained through the Services is at your own discretion and risk.


16. Limitation of Liability


Prestine Jewels shall not be liable for any consequential, incidental, indirect, special, punitive, or other loss or damage arising from your use of the Services, including loss of business profits, business interruption, computer failure, or loss of business information. Your sole remedy for disputes with Prestine Jewels related to the Services is termination of the relevant Service. In no event shall Prestine Jewels' total liability to you exceed the fees paid for such Service.


17. Indemnification


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Prestine Jewels, its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, and affiliates from any losses, damages, fines, and expenses arising from claims related to your use of the Services in violation of another party's rights, laws, provisions of these Terms,or any other claims related to your use of the Services, except where such use is authorized by Prestine Jewels.


18. Suspension and Termination


Prestine Jewels may suspend or disable user accounts in the event of suspected illegal activity, extended inactivity, or requests by law enforcement or government agencies. You may object to the suspension of your user account by contacting within thirty days of being notified. We may terminate suspended or disabled accounts after thirty days. We also reserve the right to terminate user accounts for violations of these Terms and to terminate access to any Beta Service in case of unexpected technical issues or discontinuation of the Beta Service. Termination of your user account includes the denial of access to all Services and the deletion of associated information.


19. Cancel Your Subscription


If you wish to cancel your Prestine Jewels subscription, follow the instructions provided on our website or contact us at Your service will cease within 48 hours, and you may be charged for any final costs within 31 days. Review additional information related to your billing plan before deleting your subscription.



20. Changes to Terms


Prestine Jewels may modify these Terms at any time. You will be notified of such modifications by email or by publishing the changes on our website. If the modifications substantially affect your rights, you may terminate your use of the Services. Your continued use of the Services after notice of any changes will be deemed as your acceptance of the amended Terms.


21. Contact Information


If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at:

